Hello! My name is Asher Griffith, and I am a composer, sound designer, & producer. I founded Cicada Radio in 2018 and have been creating great audio focusing on environmental justice, racial equity, workers’ visibility, & artistic expression ever since. My tastes tend toward the bizarre, grotesque, & frightening.


No Dream Deferred NOLA Presents: Writer’s Lounge was both an anthology audio drama series and interview show. The host and producer, Ann McQueen, led a writer’s workshop for BIPOC playwrights and screenwriters. We then chose from the scripts of the members of the workshop and produced audio dramas, hiring actors from the community to perform them. I was recordist, editor, sound designer, composer, &c. From the website:

“This is the second installment of our show, and we are so happy to present a short piece written by the host of this show and leader of the writer’s lounge herself, Ann McQueen. St@ined is the story of two sisters with a family secret that both of them struggle to bear in very different ways. Directed by Chivas Micheal and starring Constance Thompson and Idella Johnson.”


River Runs Backwards was conceptualized by urban planner & producer, Devin Foil. It focuses on the sordid history of urban stormwater management in New Orleans, and the question of what we are going to do about it moving forward. The description on the website:

“We’re back, and this time, we’re 2. Join us for completely authentic vintage public service announcements and a face-melting jaunt across time in this episode of River Runs Backwards!”


How Do You Like Your Eggs? is our flagship podcast. It was originally developed by chef, Jake Lewis, to showcase the lives of service industry professionals in New Orleans. We have since branched out from restaurant workers to include pedicab operators, hair dressers, sex workers, & entertainers, but the mission continues to be that we give a voice to the knuckledraggers moving the economy of this city chugging along. We also serve eggs. I record, mix, sound design (when that happens; pretty rare in this show) edit and everything else. I also composed and performed the theme song.

“Bella Blue is a burlesque dancer and teacher here in town. She likes a hard scramble, and dishes up heaping plates of scene history. Nomnomnomnom…”


On this episode of Talk Farm To Me I did the sound design, composed the music, and did the mixdown. The tape of the farmer speaking was taken from a PBS special featuring my grandfather.


I produced this adaptation of The Paper Bag Princess for my girlfriend’s daughters during the COVID lockdown. I did the recording and sound design, & I played the dragon.


No Dream Deferred NOLA Presents: The Writer’s Lounge was half audio drama anthology, and half interview show. This episode featured an up-and-coming Black filmmaker.

“Toroes D. Thomas Jr. is a filmmaker, he uses his life experiences as inspiration for new stories. Toroes received his B.S. in Screenwriting and Animation from Morgan State University, In 2017. Thomas experienced the sudden loss of his father. Using his father’s passing as inspiration, he directed and co-wrote The Beach, a short film about an unforgettable experience. “The Beach” won Best Short Film at the 2019 Denton Black film festival and second place at 2019 made in Baltimore short film festival. Today Toroes is a fellow in the Saul Zaentz innovation grant fund and is gearing up to produce his first feature film Senior.”